And Don't Forget To Eat Your Avocado Seed
You’ve probably seen the articles and videos. Avocado seeds are stealing the spotlight of the super fruit we all know and love. The good news is, it seems that the pesky seed that’s a pain to cut around, may offer a plethora of health benefits, including keeping you healthy and beautiful forever. Watch out, you could supposedly risk living to 160. ;)
This is how it went… we saw it, it seemed good, we tried it… and it was good.
Here are the ways we liked it best:
Throw these ingredients in your Vitamix and blend to a creamy, dippy consistency. Wash all of them first and use organic or garden fresh if possible for taste superiority. :)
1 avocado
1 avocado seed
1 garlic clove
The juice of half a lime
Handful of cilantro
1/4 of a onion
A dash of chili flakes
Garlic salt or sea salt to taste
3 TBSP olive oil
1 to 1/2 a jalapeño
Slice and grate over plain greek yogurt for the freshiest, savoriest yogurt experience.
Avocado sliced
Cucumber sliced
Radish sliced
Jalapeño sliced (to preference)
Chives, chopped
Place sliced goodness on top of a bowl of yogurt and grate avocado seed over the top. Add salt and black pepper to taste.
To read more on the health benefits of avocado seeds, check out this article.
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